Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Break-up

So I got a FB message this morning from Max saying he just wants to be friends. I listened to that song Summertime Sadness and bawled. Why do people have to break-up? He wasn't in love with me anymore, and told me so. When I asked him he told the girl he dated while we were broken up before he said "I told her we had to take a step back because I'm talking to my ex again". What does that mean? Geez. I'm tempted to post a slew of nasty things about him, but will remain tasteful and tactful. This hurts, but I know it will pass. Whenever I expressed concern or doubt he'd pull away, wasn't willing to work through issues. Will I ever marry? Will I ever have another child? I think the answer to that is yes. Gotta keep my head up and look for the silver lining. Gotta work-out like a demon and study hard in school. Gotta accomplish my goals no matter what the set-backs are. I just had the goal of working it out with him, but I couldn't accomplish that on my own. Takes two to make a unit whole, and will you ever be whole? No, but you keep working on it and trying it on for size and stitching up the loose seams.

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