Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Break-up

So I got a FB message this morning from Max saying he just wants to be friends. I listened to that song Summertime Sadness and bawled. Why do people have to break-up? He wasn't in love with me anymore, and told me so. When I asked him he told the girl he dated while we were broken up before he said "I told her we had to take a step back because I'm talking to my ex again". What does that mean? Geez. I'm tempted to post a slew of nasty things about him, but will remain tasteful and tactful. This hurts, but I know it will pass. Whenever I expressed concern or doubt he'd pull away, wasn't willing to work through issues. Will I ever marry? Will I ever have another child? I think the answer to that is yes. Gotta keep my head up and look for the silver lining. Gotta work-out like a demon and study hard in school. Gotta accomplish my goals no matter what the set-backs are. I just had the goal of working it out with him, but I couldn't accomplish that on my own. Takes two to make a unit whole, and will you ever be whole? No, but you keep working on it and trying it on for size and stitching up the loose seams.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dedicated to Claude, Who Loves poetry even more than I

The 6 strings, if tuned, sound so good If you play them right, which you should People will laugh, or dance, or just listen or perhaps even be moved to kissing Though there is much preparation to be had if done right, with time taken, you will be glad You ever tried to make one sound and found yourself unbound by worry, debt, all sorts of nasty things You might even try your luck at singing Songs with voice make new dreams, And stitch up all the loose seams.